Who has the time for a great fuck?
I am lying in bed with the laptop. The top half of me is turned to the left the bottom half of me is prone. The lights are dimmed. I am in the mood for sex. I am in the mood for many varieties of sex. I am in the mood for hours of being tied up with some great Abbey rope while birdman trails his fingers over my body.
Oh, did I neglect to mention there is a three year old passed out on my leg? And a sick baby a foot away from the laptop?
With a crazy schedule of illnesses, teething, bad dreams, and birdman trips out of town, how are we supposed to have crazy, loud, mind-blowing sex?
The whole "we have to be quiet so as not to wake the small people in the next room" bit is only exciting for so many times. Quickies can be exciting for only so long.
We have been trying to connect for the last few days. It has only been some masturbation while pressed up against one another kind of week.
Finally this morning, birdman was running late and the children had started in with the PBS shows. We got some physical, "quick lock the door so we can fuck," sex in. Birdman got to come inside me, but the time pressure was too much for me to come with him. Somehow the three year old pounding on the door was too distracting. After birdman went out to talk with the kids, I was able to finish and come while under the covers.
I am not sure where I heard this from, but I think it was from a birdman source. Someone said "sometimes I make love to my wife, sometimes I have sex with my wife, and sometimes I just fuck my wife." Lately it has been a lot of sex and fucking. I am all for sex and fucking, don't get me wrong, but I need some time to make love.
Ironically I want my dear birdman to make love to his wife using some kinky stuff. (ropes and dildos and new lubes, oh my (and some nascent D/s play)) I would guess that most people would think that was oxymoronic. *shrug* That is just me (and us) I guess.
Now the three year old has been removed and the infant is passed out. We will see what the night brings us. We are both shattered as birdman's british relatives would say, and it is only Monday night!
How do you all (not sure how many of "you all" there might be) balance the kids with the sex? I know as they get older it will get better, but any hints before then?
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