Days of the crowded sex-free bed
We went from a week of forced separation while birdman was away at a concert to a week of forced separation while the children see how much space they can create between us in bed.
We have had three false start nights. They go something like this... First stumble through dinner and the evening routine. Take a few hours to settle all the children in their beds. Take a scant hour to try to reconnect and get adult things going.
Then you hear the footsteps....
One of the kids needs something, so you try and settle them on your bed back to sleep. (with all intentions to shuttle them back asap) Well the ruckus has inevitably woken up another child, so you all roll over and make more room and try and settle two kids. (again with all intentions to shuttle them both back asap) They may be some fiery adult gazes over kid heads, or if we are lucky our hands may snake through the bodies to find each other. During all of this laying quietly shushing in the dark, the adults start to nod off. (or kid number 3 fills out the bed)
The kids are all sick. One has a confirmed case of strep throat, and another will be to the doctor within the hour. *sigh* *double sigh* Tis the season.
I have had a great fantasy I may fufill soon. We have a small space under the stairs. It has a door (!) and a deadbolt (!!). I want to set up my own personal dungeon. All I really want is a soft place to fall. Maybe some candles. And some baby monitors. I also think we could use some of those intruder alarms from Radio shack placed along the route between upstairs to the secret hideout. I imagine a bank of closed circuit tvs to monitor the corridors. And maybe some soundproofing, so I can finally scream again when I come.... Ah the fantasies of a sexpot mother of three. :-)
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