Sunday, June 11, 2006

When we have time will we still want to have time?

I have been having a philosophical debate in my head.

When we finally have time to have some privacy. When we can lock the door and that will mean something. When we don't fall asleep before our weary bodies hit the bed.

That time that everyone says will come to fast and when it will be easier to be together.

Will I still be interested in sex? Physically, I mean...

I am already very conscious how my cycle really effects my libido. Until birdman decides for sure to consummate his relationship with the urologist, he still gets mixed feelings when I am very interested. I am usually very interested because my hormones are telling me I am very fertile. He knows when my libido goes up so does my fertility.

So what happens when the kids are older and the cycle thing dies down. I am not talking about menopause but just a few years.

Birdman laughs at me. I think it would be some cruel kind of irony.

Well, birdman always says the sexiest part of my body is my brain. So, we would "manage" if the hormones messed me up or something.

Something to think about. Makes me want to invest more time in a hotel room in the afternoon when my sister is taking the kids to the movies....

How did those hourly rates get such a bad rap? We have the minivan too. Although I think we would need to lay a tarp down so I don't get crumbs and who knows what in my hair. (or would birdman get it in his hair?

There you go, we will push this blog along a little at a time.


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